Interview with artist Park Hye-soo & prof. Bernd Marin print   
JMF  Email [2020-07-03 16:43:22]  HIT : 1107  
Prof. Han Sang-Jin Foundation who interviewed artist Park Hye-soo and prof. Bernd Marin at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea on November 26, 2019.

* Prof. Bernd Marin
He is currently the director of the Institute for European Social Welfare Policy in Vienna, a U.N. cooperative organization, and a long-time professor of political and social studies at EU University, and an authority on European social welfare policy who gave guest lectures at prestigious universities such as Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Cornell, and UCLA.

* Artist Park Hye-soo
Artist Park, who was selected for the Artist of the Year 2019 award, has shown various perspectives on the universal concepts and values inherent in Korean society through exhibitions such as "Nowhere Man," "Now Here is Nowhere," "Normal Justice," and "Dream You Abandoned."
The new work, which was released this time, takes a look at what individuals think about the definition and category of "we" - their perception of the group.
     174. Interview with prof. Bernd Marin
     172. 2019 SNU-HU Joint Symposium